Friday, January 25, 2013


Let me state up front that I am all for the use of cake mixes (yes, you read that right), as long as..... here comes the 'but'..... you do something creative with it. Fortunately Pillsbury makes this super easy by telling you how on the side of the box.

Towards the end of last year I received a stunning box of goodies from Pillsbury. I've been itching to try out the products but just hadn't had a chance yet.

If you recall, I have STILL not gotten around to making cake pops. Baby Cupcake had a play date (read 'excuse for mommies to get together') and so I decided to try my hand at the cake pops. By the time Baby Cupcake was asleep and I had read the instructions I was already exhausted.

Enter Pillsbury! I vaguely remembered seeing something about cake pops on the side of a Pillsbury box. I pulled a box out the cupboard, and there was the recipe I was looking for. It is super simple and quick.

Unfortunately, Baby Cupcake is going through a leap (more about that another day) and woke up before I got to the dipping stage. After getting her back to sleep it was late and so I improvised and did something a bit less time consuming.

They were super yummy! It just proves, cake mixes have their place in every kitchen :) You can find more Pillsbury recipes here

Happy baking!

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