Thursday, September 15, 2011

Be Balanced

How many of us are guilty of this? I certainly am!

I start my day by reading a handful of my favorite blogs. Kim Gray's  latest post really struck a chord with me this morning! Until recently, "Himself" frequently complained that my iPhone was glued to my hand. It wasn't until we went away for a weekend and I banned mobile devices that I realise how addicted I was.

I've started by turning my phone off at least an hour before bed and leaving my phone in my bag when I'm with friends. Much like Kim, my blog is doing better and I have more Twitter and Facebook followers since I backed off, proving that the world doesn't come to an end if I don't tweet every few minutes. AND I'm left with more time for baking :)

Are you addicted? What are you doing to find balance? I'd love to hear from everyone.

Have a happy day!


  1. I am SO terribly addicted. It's ridiculous. Dave and I are both constantly glued to our phones/laptops/iPads. I recently decided to sign out of the Facebook/Twitter/Blog Reader apps on my phone, so as to actually be able to get some work done during the day, without checking why my phone had lit up ALL DAY LONG. It's amazing. This week I have done a TON of work. I log back into my apps after Luca has gone down (around 8pm) and then catch up on what's important to me. I feel like I've given up one of 20 full time jobs! I think sometimes I care too much about what other people are doing ... and it consumes me!

  2. I've also turned off the notifications on my phone. I found it a huge distraction at work :)
